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Forts in India





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Forts in India(圖1)-速報App

All the Indian forts are most fascinating. Most of the Indian forts were built as a defense mechanism to keep the enemy away. These magnificent forts can not be described in words as they will look too small in front of splendor of forts that beautify India. Some prominent forts of Rajasthan are Amber fort, Chittorgarh fort, Jaisalmer fort, Lohagarh fort, Bikaner fort and Jaigarh fort. Delhi, the capital of India also boasts of some great forts. Some of the notable forts of Delhi are the Red fort, Purana Quila and the Tughlaqabad fort. These grand forts clearly depict the glory of Indian majestic past. There are many other forts of importance in India. Some of the most notable are the Red fort, Agra, the Gwalior fort and the Junagarh fort. The state of Rajasthan is home to numerous forts. Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh are also not far behind. In fact, whole India is dotted with forts of varied sizes. The magnificent forts of Rajasthan were built during the medieval period. The notable feature about each of the forts is the exquisite carving work that has survived till date and still receives appreciation from people worldwide.

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